TK News and Stories

Girl opening birthday presents

April Birthday Party Celebration

This week marked a delightful celebration as we honored the April birthdays with a lively Barbie and Ken-themed party. The atmosphere was filled with joy and excitement as both children and staff enthusiastically dressed up in Barbie themed attire and embraced the iconic characters. The festivities began with heartfelt renditions of “Happy Birthday,” filling the…

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Boy doing Easter crafts

Easter Crafting

The Easter crafting activities at our facility last week were not just about creating beautiful decorations; they offered numerous benefits that enhanced the overall well-being of our residents. Engaging in creative activities like crafting paper carrots and Easter eggs encouraged our residents to tap into their artistic abilities and channel their creativity. This not only…

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Trick or Treating as Super Mario

Annual Harvest Party

What an incredible celebration our Annual Harvest Party turned out to be on October 27th!  The event brought boundless joy and laughter to residents and their families, leaving everyone in high spirits. This year’s Harvest Party was a seamless blend of engaging activities and heartwarming moments that created memories to last a lifetime. The festivities began…

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Annual Harvest Festival

This year’s Annual Harvest Celebration was a truly special and magical event. Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital held an animated outdoor parade filled with ghouls, princesses, pirates, superheroes, and more! The patients here enjoyed a fun and interactive day full of smiles and surprise characters. Our patients and staff had the opportunity to participate in a…

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Annual Easter Party!

On Friday, April 15th,  Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital held our Annual Easter Party! This year, we had the opportunity to invite 2 family members for each patient and resident to join in on the fun.  During the party, participants enjoyed an egg hunt, a petting zoo with several animals, and picture taking with the Easter Bunny. Easter crafts…

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Christmas Party 2016

Christmas Party 2016

Totally Kids hosted our annual Christmas Party on December 17th. Many of our residents’ family members attended, along with our staff. There were many fun activities for our patients and guests to enjoy at the party. We had Christmas crafts and ornament-making at Santa’s workshop, exciting games with prizes for the children and adults, food and drinks…

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