
Offering children a comprehensive array of compassionate health services spanning all levels and intensity of care.


Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Gives Hope to Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries

Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Gives Hope to Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries

Each year approximately 2.8 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury, a saddening percentage of whom are young children and teenagers who, along with seniors, comprise the population most likely to sustain this condition. Fortunately, for many such children, Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital continues to provide the hope, treatment, and interdisciplinary care needed to improve the quality of life for these individuals and their families.
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Exploring the Wonders of the Sea

This past week, some of our residents at Totally Kids had an unforgettable adventure as they visited the Aquarium of the Pacific for the very first time! For many, this was their first opportunity to see the wonders of the ocean up close, and the […]
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Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Keeps Patients and Staff Safe Through Rapid, Focused Response to COVID-19

The rapid spread of COVID-19 put health care institutions around the country on high alert, with special emphasis placed on those Americans deemed to be most vulnerable or with pre-existing conditions. But what happens when your entire hospital is filled with patients who fit that criteria?
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