A 6th Grade Class Understood How Totally Kids Is Truly Special

By Anthony Cadavid

This month I was asked to have a talk in my son’s 6th grade class about my job. I happily accepted and went to talk to what turned out to be a group of very smart 11 year olds. As I described the duties of a director of marketing, it became evident that what they wanted me to talk about was not about what I did but about Totally Kids, the hospital where I work.

My son, Joshua, had told them I work at a rehabilitation hospital for kids and that was something that captured their interest. They wanted to know all about it. I explained to them that most of our kids are brought to us from other hospitals and we help them get better until they go home.

One boy asked, “Why do those kids come to you instead of staying at the other hospitals?” That was a great question. I explained to him that the other hospitals take care of the diseases or injuries those kid patients have, but they bring them to us so we can continue their care. That allows the other hospitals to have more room and beds available to help other kids who may also need medical care.

There was a lot of silence in the room. Looking at their faces I could tell they strongly empathized with our patients. I broke the silence by saying, “We are truly special!” One girl raised her hand and said she would like to become a doctor one day. Wanting to know more about a hospital made totally for kids she asked, “What else makes you special?”

To answer her question I summarized a long answer I give highly educated medical personnel who often ask me the same question. I said, “We are also special because most of the kids who come to us get much better much quicker. Most are able to go home, to their school, to their toys, and to their friends quicker.”

They were amazed when I shared with them pictures of our EKSO Bionics Exoskeleton and the difference it has made in patients who were able to regain some of their abilities after receiving therapy through it. They found it hard to understand how Biofeedback helps reduce pain, but were blown away after seeing that we use Virtual Reality as part of our therapies. One said, “So VR is not just for fun?” I said, “It is for fun, and for us, it is also for therapy!”

Seeing a group of 11 year olds happy for what we do was truly refreshing. This experience left me feeling very grateful to be part of Totally Kids and for the difference we make in the lives of our patients. I look forward to going back to the class at some point in the future and sharing much more of what we do and about what makes us special.  


Anthony Cadavid is Director of Marketing at Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. He is the proud father of 11-year-old Joshua and 1-year-old Luke Ryan

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