For the parents and families of our residents, please see this generous offer for accommodations when visiting your child this Christmas. As you may know, the Kids 4 Ever house is being remodeled. We are looking forward to the completion of the project, as it is a valuable service offered to our families. Until then, we are grateful for the extra help offered by TMI Hospitality.
For many people, an important part of the holiday season is spending time with friends and family. Unfortunately, those who have loved ones who are hospitalized, in a nursing home, or at a treatment center during the holidays often find it difficult to be together. For nearly 30 years, TMI Hospitality has worked to meet that need by offering free hotel rooms over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays through our Room in the Inn program.
All TMI Hospitality hotels participate in the Room in the Inn program. Please contact a hotel directly to make a reservation, as rooms are subject to availability. For more information or to find a location near you, visit our website.
Your local TMI Hospitality hotel is:
Hampton Inn & Suites