Upholding our Mission

Our mission statement at Totally Kids tells our community why we exist. A core piece of that mission is respect for life itself, and respect for every team member delivering care in our organization. “Equity in health” should be seen in everything we do. My plea, and that of every Board Member and leader, is that every participant be fully engaged in this mission and enjoy being a recipient of the fruits of this mission. We are committed to diversity and inclusion and strive for an inclusive environment in our organization, our community, and our nation. We have intentionally created ways for everyone touched by this health organization to tell us how it is going, and how we can improve. If anyone senses even a hint of disrespect or inequality, they have freedom to speak up and suggest a better way and we ask that they do so.

Since this is how we live and operate, you can imagine how deeply grieved we were to see a Minneapolis policeman, with other officers consenting, treat Mr. George Floyd with an unrestrained public display of viciousness, violating his humanity and his unalienable rights endowed by his Creator, which led to his death. How proud I was to see men and women of peace march and declare that this travesty must not exist in our nation. And how proud I was when I saw men and women of peace, with brooms and shovels in hand, helping their neighbors recover from the intentional destruction inflicted by those distracting us from the crucial message. How proud I am of our staff and our families, when I see you so totally dedicated to the service of healing and support. Please share with us and your communities what you are proud of — the good that is being displayed by your fellow citizens in your neighborhood as we stand together for that which honors life, and honors other people. Take time to thank the first responders you run into who are risking their lives in unimaginable ways, especially as we continue to confront the COVID-19 pandemic.

George Green, President of our Southern California Hospital Association, said recently, “The mission of our hospitals is fundamental to the most basic expression of humanity – to care for people in a time of need.” Totally Kids strongly supports this message and will continue in our mission and continue to join with everyone who stands for freedom and mutual respect. We will pray for healing, both from this disruptive virus and from the rancor of those intent on violence. May God bless you all and may God bless America!

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