Totally Kids Receives Donation of HighQ Learning Tablets
What a wonderful thing it is to receive great news when you least expect it! This week Totally Kids received a donation of 30 HighQ Learning computer tablets to be utilized by our kids. The tablets were donated by STS Education, a company located in Simi Valley, dedicated to creating educational technology.
This donation came as a result of individuals and organizations wanting to make a difference in the lives of the kids we serve. It all started with Crystal Lindsay, one of our social workers, who is assigned to our subacute facility.
Crystal is currently working towards her master\’s degree in social work from Brandman University. During a class-related seminar, the presenting professor talked about the different ways in which local organizations are willing to help other organizations and individuals in different communities. Crystal immediately thought of the different ways in which she wished to help our residents and patients.
After the seminar ended, Crystal spoke to the professor, Dr. DeLong-Hamilton, in private and asked her if she could give her ideas of organizations that might be willing to make donations to Totally Kids. Dr. DeLong-Hamilton immediately connected Crystal with STS Education, since she knew the company announced its willingness to donate educational tablets. Crystal had asked the right question, to the right person, at the right time.
In a short time, Crystal communicated with Susan Barnett at STS Education, and within a few days, the company made available the 30 tablets. Each device contains hundreds of educational digital games, books, and other learning tools. They also include premium features and activities that meet school standards in math, language arts, science, social studies, critical thinking, art, creativity and STEM!

Our kids are going to love these tablets! We are very grateful to Crystal, Dr. DeLong-Hamilton at Brandman University, and Susan Barnett at STS Education for working together to provide our kids with these valuable resources.