Xander’s Story

Rigorous physical rehab is effective!

Xander Benton is a sweet and smart 6-year- old boy with Spastic Cerebral Palsy,
a condition associated with damage to the motor cortex of the brain, and which
makes voluntary movement harder to control and less fluid, or “spastic.” As a
result, Xander continuously made involuntary jerky movements, and experienced
painful muscle tightness and joint stiffness throughout his body, which hampered
his range of motion.
He underwent an Intrathecal Baclophen (ITB) Pump implantation at the Loma
Linda University Medical Center. The purpose of the computerized pump is to
deliver baclofen, a medication used to decrease hyperactive reflexes (jerky
movements) and hypertonicity (muscle tightness), directly into Xander’s spinal
After the successful implantation was completed, Xander was admitted to the
acute wing at Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital to maximize his functional
progress (maximize his range of motion), titrate (continuously measure and
adjust medication) off oral medications, titrate up the ITB pump with feedback
from therapy to decrease his hypertonicity, and to improve strength.
From the very first day at Totally Kids, Xander brightened his room with his
beautiful smile. Members of our medical staff who cared for him during his stay,
remember Xander as an incredibly happy kid who always said hello whenever
any of them went into his room. His mother and grandmother were always by his
side. They helped him build his Lego sets, and he always let them know if any
little piece was missing.

To achieve the intended rehabilitation goals set for Xander, each day he received
3 hours of rehabilitation and 1 hour of recreational therapy activities, while
receiving around the clock nursing. His goals were met in 3 weeks.
Xander’s surgical site healed without complications. He increased his range of
motion, strength, and coordination. He graduated from acute rehabilitation back
to home with newly gained independence. Xander could now transfer himself
from the floor into his wheelchair, as well as dress up on his own. The new level
of independence decreased his family’s burden of care and gave Xander the
ability to do things he could not do before.
Xander was discharged from Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital 21 days after he
was admitted. We miss his smile and his greetings! We are grateful for his newfound abilities.



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