TK News and Stories

All About Biofeedback

When people hear the word Biofeedback they often do not know what it is. The word Bio means body, which translates as body feedback. The buzzwords often associated with Biofeedback are Trauma, Anxiety, Pain Management, Injury Recovery, Mind Body Connection, Self Regulation and Relaxation Response. Did you know that the US Olympic Team is required…

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Applied Virtual Reality at TK

Virtual Reality is a 3D, typically interactive digital environment projected through a headset that fully blocks out other visual stimuli. Medical researchers have effectively used immersive virtual reality as an analgesic, pain management tool, anxiety reducer, and distraction intervention for patients undergoing painful and tedious medical treatments as well as trauma resulting in anxiety and…

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We Specialize In Neurological Disorders

From the time our acute hospital opened its doors in 2014, the common thread among the majority of our pediatric patients has been neurological disorders. The level of acuity we provide has allowed us to be successful, often seeing our patients meet their rehabilitation outcomes ahead of the expected time. So, what exactly is a…

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Keeping Up With Nick

Last week we introduced you to Nick Tusant, a patient in the Totally Kids Acute Rehabilitation Hospital. We wanted to bring you an update on Nick, and the love and support his family has received since his accident. As a patient in our acute rehabilitation hospital, Nick Tusant goes out of his way to make…

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Meet Nick

A DAY THAT STARTED LIKE ANY OTHER On the morning of Friday, March 24, 2017, Nick Tusant made the short walk to school as he did every morning. Nick, a 16-year-old junior at West Valley High School, earned good grades, and looked forward to the start of his classes. On that day, Nick would not…

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Xander’s Story

Rigorous physical rehab is effective! Xander Benton is a sweet and smart 6-year- old boy with Spastic Cerebral Palsy, a condition associated with damage to the motor cortex of the brain, and which makes voluntary movement harder to control and less fluid, or “spastic.” As a result, Xander continuously made involuntary jerky movements, and experienced…

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Leo’s Story

Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Leo was a typical 17 year-old. He dedicated time to school, friends, family, music, and performing tricks on his freestyle scooter. You would often find Leo jumping over ramps, rails, or many other obstacles. They never posed a huge challenge to Leo, and there is plenty of video footage to prove it! That…

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The MUSIC & MEMORY Program Makes a Difference at Totally Kids. Here’s Why.

As a certified MUSIC & MEMORY care facility, music plays a very important part in the care and treatment of our residents at Totally Kids. This therapeutic program is very beneficial to the children and young adults in our care, even those who may be in a minimum consciousness state. How is this possible? Music has a…

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Music and Memory Program

We are proud to announce that Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is now Music & Memory certified! The Music & Memory program provides personalized music playlists to our patients using an iPod shuffle and headphones. Music has been proven to vastly improve the quality of life and allows those living with cognitive and physical challenges to reconnect with the…

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Music and Memory

Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is now a part of the Music and Memory family! Many of you are likely familiar with this clip, Alive Inside, featuring Henry, who has Alzheimer’s, yet came to life and regained memories when presented with some of his favorite music from years ago. We also want to encourage you to watch…

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