TK News and Stories

Music and Memory

Totally Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is now a part of the Music and Memory family! Many of you are likely familiar with this clip, Alive Inside, featuring Henry, who has Alzheimer’s, yet came to life and regained memories when presented with some of his favorite music from years ago. We also want to encourage you to watch the Alive Inside movie, which is available on Netflix, to be more aware of this service we are adding for the benefit of our patients.

Totally Kids has become certified as a Music and Memory facility, and a number of our staff members have been trained to implement this program to each individual in our facility. We are excited to integrate Music and Memory into the care we provide at Totally Kids.

The Music and Memory program is growing nationwide, and Totally Kids is one of the first Pediatric facilities to integrate the program in the nation. In addition to memory recovery, this program offers countless benefits, such as aiding with depression, isolation, agitation, and has been known to help bring a calming and encouraging environment to assist nursing staff during care. Beyond all of this, personalized music playlists, like the ones we we’ll create through Music and Memory, have been known to bring joy and comfort to patients in acute and long term care settings.

Totally Kids is looking for iPod donations which will be used to provide a personalized music playlist to each of our patients, so all patients in our care can receive the benefit of the Music and Memory program.

As always, we thank you for your support of Totally Kids, and sharing the stories of the things that happen here. We are blessed to be a part of this facility and spend time with our patients, and we are blessed that you are willing to be a part of this endeavor with us. Thank you for all you do.

Totally Kids • August 21, 2015

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