TK News and Stories

Coronavirus Update & Continued Preventative Measures

Here we are now in the first week of April, thankful to God that we still have no evidence of the virus on our campus, or among our employees and contractors. Our prayers go out for those in our neighborhoods who are ill. May they recover quickly! Our prayers continue for the children in our care who need to be reunited with their families at the earliest possible moment. We look for every innovative way to support them until that can happen. What wonderful, loving staff we have! We pray for the families who are heart-broken and miss seeing their child every day. We’re grateful for technology such as Skype so we can join families together in a virtual setting making the best of a very difficult situation.

The silver lining here is that our entire nation, perhaps the world, is being reminded hour by hour of how families are the core of our existence and we must hold them dear. We too often busy ourselves with less important things and get on our “devices” while sitting right next to ones we love. There are forces within our society that have cheapened our traditional family and we must awaken our families’ vitality.

Please allow me one more moment to give a tribute to our Totally Kids caregivers. I watch as they interact with our wonderful kids and their families (until recently in person and now in “virtual” ways) while sharing important milestones together. Our staff has worked tirelessly to keep our residents, patients, and each other safe through this current pandemic crisis. We are also thankful for all the caregivers in our community fighting this virus from the front line. We thank all the nurses, doctors, therapists, healthcare staff, public health professionals, and all those who leave their houses every day to keep others well and safe. We recognize all that you have done and pray for your well-being every day. Thank you.

Here’s what we are doing to help win the fight against Coronavirus:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention listed handwashing and not touching your face as the most important steps we should all take to protect ourselves from contracting or spreading the Coronavirus, especially after being in a public place. We have severely limited access to our campus. To ensure that those who are allowed come in with clean hands, we have placed a handwashing station by the door of our main entrance, which is the only point by which people are allowed access into our facility. Once inside, everyone goes through a screening process that includes a temperature check and some health questions.  Everyone is once again asked to sanitize their hands before they enter. We check the temperatures of our staff again before they leave for home. We take maintaining a healthy campus very seriously!

Thank you for your cooperation, patience, and understanding during this time. It is greatly appreciated.

Doug Padgett • April 1, 2020

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